Welsh Video Network Welsh Video Network


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Support Centre:
01792 295700


WVN Studios Acceptable Use Policy

All videoconferences are to be booked via the JANET Videoconferencing Service (JVCS) Booking Service.  A detailed guide to Using the JVCS Booking Service can be found here.  In addition, a checklist of information needed to make a videoconference booking can be found here

There are two animated guides to assist you with using the JVCS Booking Service


These animated guides require Macromedia Flash Player to be installed on your PC.  To download Flash Player, please click on the 'Get Macromedia Flash Player' button above.

Studio Guides

The following WVN Studio Guides are available in Adobe® Acrobat® .pdf format.   
bullet Studio Controller - using the touch screen controller, making calls
bullet Cameras - controlling the studio cameras
bullet Document Camera - displaying documents
bullet Projector - controlling the projector
bullet DVD/VCR - using the studio DVD/VCR
bullet Radio Microphone - every large studio includes one
bullet Laptops - attaching a laptop computer for sending presentations, etc.
bullet NetMeeting® - using Microsoft® NetMeeting® to display presentations (the recommended way of sharing documents)
bullet Compact Studio Guide - for organisations which have purchased a 'Compact' studio (with only the basic videoconferencing equipment)
bullet Interactive Whiteboard - using the whiteboard, displaying Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations
bullet RhI User - using the WVN Rhwydiaith Interpretation equipment
bullet RhI Interpreter - simultaneous interpretation using the WVN Rhwydiaith equipment
bullet TANDBERG See and Share - how to install and use See and Share

Booking Contacts

Please note that many institutions have appointed booking contacts, who are responsible for making all videoconference bookings. Details of these can be found on the Studio Booking Information page.

Fault Reporting

If you wish to report a fault, please contact the Support Centre on 01792 295700 or email support@wvn.ac.uk.


An up to date list of studios is available.

Acceptable Use Policy

The Funding Councils' expectations in relation to the use of studios are as follows:

The facilities

  • are to be available first and foremost for videoconferencing

  • are to be booked only via the JANET Videoconferencing Service (JVCS) Booking Service

  • must pass regular JVCS Quality Assurance Acceptance tests

Equipment is being provided on the understanding that these expectations will be met.

If the studios are being booked for a purpose other than videoconferencing they must still be booked via the JVCS Booking Service, and should be shown as unavailable. This ensures that no facilities are double-booked. The JVCS Booking Service is web-based and is not integrated into any institutional room booking systems.

When using any of the JANET services, including the JVCS for multipoint videoconferences, institutions will have to abide by the JANET Acceptable Use Policy http://www.ja.net/services/publications/policy/aup.html (as they do with all current JANET services).


Booking Contacts
Booking Service
Service Update
July 2005
Frequently Asked
Conferences &
Briefing Days
ILT Champions'
© The JNT Association, 2008 TOP WVN Web Team