Copper News Archive
21 May 2013 Hafod-Morfa Project Open Day 8 June 2013

Planning is under way for an event to be held on the site of the former Hafod-Morfa Copper works on 8 June in which you are warmly invited to participate.
The event will provide opportunities to:
- see the progress of community archaeological dig at the site of the canal basin;
- lend a hand with a physical landscaping project on the site, an activity led by Groundwork Bridgend-Neath-Port Talbot;
- take a guided walk of the Copperworks site and the wider area;
- bring objects or documents to a ‘Hidden Treasure Roadshow, which offers you a chance to show your treasures relating to the copperworks, including artefacts photos and documents. Advice and expertise will be available from museum and local archive staff about the objects and how to keep them safe;
- see the dramatic improvements and check in with progress of the site regeneration project.
Many local people have already signed up as volunteers on the dig, which will take place from 28May to the 12June. For those who haven’t yet signed up, there are still a few places left. For further information, contact Janet Bailey at Glamorgan and Gwent Arcaheological Trust
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